Making time for what really matters most

Real change starts within. 

Transformational Life Coaching with Heart
Just a 10 minute meditative walk with the intention of opening our hearts makes a huge difference.
One of my teachers used to say:
“stay in your head and you’re dead.”
And it’s true!
Life without heart feels meaningless, joyless, expressionless and soulless.
Love is what animates our world and makes it all worthwhile.

All we are really looking for is Wholeness

Everything we do is ultimately an attempt to feel or get back to love in some way,
whether we realize that or not.
So why then, would connecting to our heart every day not be as important as brushing our teeth every day?
Something to think about…
or rather feel into!

Aligning Hearts & Minds

Not your typical life coach in London & Jhb or typical life coaching.
And not for sissies either.

Because real change starts within.

And it requires deep, messy, consistent awareness and honest soul searching facilitated by a present & loving coach.