Truth. Purpose. Inspiration.

When we hear the truth,

we feel it in every part of our being.

4 words.
He said 4 words to me and they brought me to tears.

That is what happens when we hear a truth.

Something that is true for us, that is.
I had the privilege of having a private chat with my favorite teacher and mentor, Dr John Demartini on Sunday.
It was after doing my first course with him 16 years ago that I decided I wanted to become a coach and help people transform their lives the way Dr Demartini had done for me.
I have been doing that for 15 years now and besides my family, it is what is most meaningful to me.

Louise Diesel Life Coach & Demartini Method Facilitator

We were chatting on Sunday about my coaching practice and some of my strengths as a coach when he stopped me in my tracks and said something so simple, that it brought me to tears.
I had been stuck in my head and missed the most obvious truth.
He said and I quote: “You care about people….
And you love helping people. You will find a solution and if you don’t know it in the moment, you will find it. And that’s what you’re great at.
You will find a solution. You want to be of service to people and you will figure it out. And people will pay you for that.”

I care about people!

I had been so busy looking at my experience, my training, my skills, my intuition that I had missed my most valuable asset:
my relentless desire to help and serve people.
Because I care.
Because I don’t want people to suffer anymore.
Because I know they don’t have to.
Because I have been there.

Sometimes we are blind to the most obvious answers.

He went on to say:
“you’ve been learning from all the Great minds for so long now that you have learnt some of the best tools and strategies to help people break through whatever is in their way.
You help people navigate through their mind and body’s distractions, that are keeping them from doing something they really dream about doing.
A lot of people, deep down inside, know what they want to do but they are frightened to death by all their fears and you know how to help them dissolve all of that.”
The tears kept streaming down my face as I remembered why I love what I do and why I will never stop learning and teaching.

I care about people.

This is what happens when you work with a masterful coach.
They reflect back to you what you are often blinded to.

A masterful life coach will help you find the problem behind the problem


And help you find ways to either dissolve or overcome the problem.
My heart is full.
Thank you John Demartini. I love you.
Not only has my life changed because of you,
but so has my family’s, some of my friends’ and many of clients’ lives too.