Why I Decided to Become a Life Coach

I care & ultimately, that’s what Life Coaches do

Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to help people.

Wanted to help people feel better. Feel Joyful. Feel worthy. Feel loved.

A desire to help others led me to life coaching

I also had an insatiable drive to want to learn. Perhaps, I didn’t understand it then, but deep down,
I think it was a way for me to empower myself, so that I could use what I had learnt to help others.

From a very young age, I became my mother’s confidant and support. In my  perceptions as  a young child,  my mother endured a huge amount of suffering and I wished that I could help her somehow. I felt helpless to help her and her pain became my pain.Her suffering, my suffering.


The day that changed it all – the destiny of a life coach

One fateful day, as a young teenage girl, my mother disappeared after my parents had been in an argument.

I found a suicide letter from her not long afterwards & in that moment, my world came crashing down.

I was desperate to find her and help her.

I did, thank goodness!  We spent the night together in some dodgy hotel room that night, but I remember staying up the entire night, worrying about how I was going to change the situation.

The thought of losing my mom, along with the feeling of helplessness & hopelessness, was more than I could bear.


The Belief that we are not enough

There were a few moments like that in my lifetime. Moments where I felt like I was not enough.

Not enough to take away the pain of those I loved so dearly and not enough to love myself.

Perhaps, it even started in the first few days & weeks of my life where I almost starved to death…


Our voids drive our values

My mom could not get me to drink as a newborn.

I was bottle-fed but I would only drink a few sips of formula at a time and then go back to sleep.

Eventually, the sister at the clinic asked my mom to bring everything into the clinic to check, as I was losing weight every week. They quickly discovered that the hole in the teat was too small. This meant that I would suck & suck in order to get the milk out and would eventually fall asleep exhausted and probably a little dehydrated.

Of course, they fixed the bottles and I thrived from then on, but I often joke and tell people that that is the reason I love food so much. And maybe it is.


I think even from that very early age though, I formed the belief that:

“I was not enough & that I need to work hard, in order to be loved.”


Life Coaching helps you find the problem behind the problem

It must be said though, that I grew up in a very loving home.

It was not without it’s challenges of course, but my parents loved and cared for my brothers and I deeply.

My mother did the best that she could with what she had. So did my dad.

But for many years of my life, I believed that if she had been more empowered as a mother, I may not have ‘suffered’ as much as a child.

The void of not having an empowered mother (at least in my perceptions at the time)

became the driving force for so much of what I do today.


Soulmates, Relationships & Marriage – Life Coaching

Fast forward 25 years and after marrying my soulmate, my best friend and absolute love of my life,

we were told that we could not have children.

Once again, my whole world came crashing down. All I had ever wanted since I was a young girl was to be a wife and a mother and have a beautiful, happy family.


Once again, I felt like a failure, not as a daughter this time, but as a women and a wife.


Personal & Spiritual Discovery – Inner Transformation 

They say that every cloud has a silver lining and my journey with infertility led me on a path of deep soul searching and personal discovery and ended not only with 3 miracle children, but also a deep personal transformation.

However, being a wife, a mother and a businesswoman comes with a new set of challenges.

After being told I would never have children, I was blessed to have 2 boys in 10 months!

As you can imagine, balancing it all was not easy.

I hated myself for not being happy and grateful all the time when all I had wished for was a healthy baby. Now that I had two, I was struggling to cope with it all.

Once again, I felt disempowered. But this time as a mother.


How to be a good enough mother?

My drive to want to be a better mother was huge. So my journey of searching continued.

I read more books, listened to more tapes & webinars & attended  countless courses in an effort to be more.

More successful. More healthy. More wealthy. Ultimately, more worthy.


A deep desire to learn and teach

Every time I learnt something new or useful, I had a huge desire to share what I learnt with others.

So that it could help them too.

I had always wanted to be a teacher as a young girl but my father had discouraged me, so I became an entrepreneur instead. But the teacher in me was alive and well and bursting to make a difference somehow.


And then, once again, my world came crashing down.

I had an argument with my dad which split the family up and we did not see each other for 3 years.

Besides my husband and our 2 boys, my family were my whole life and I cried almost every day for 3 years.


A Life changing course – The Breakthrough Experience

Until, one day in June 2007, I attended yet another course. Except this was not just another course.

The impact of this course was so life-changing for me, so profoundly healing and empowering, that I knew then and there, that I wanted to share this work with others.

Even though my husband and I were running a successful printing company at the time,

I knew I had found my calling.

I went on to complete many courses and certifications, all firstly to learn and empower myself and my family, and then to help others do the same.

My relationships with my family healed.

Every area of my life transformed.

Most of all, my relationship with myself had transformed.


Creating an Inner Transformation

As I transformed from within, I learnt to love myself and my life.

I was able to empower my children in ways I could never have imagined.

My mission was to raise a family of heart-led, inspired & empowered children,

who could become the best in the world at whatever they wanted to be and do, if they chose to.

I just wanted them to have the option and to know that anything that their hearts’ desired, was possible.

And our children grew into amazing young adults.


I saw firsthand, the impact on my children from having been raised with all that love & wisdom.

As a result, my desire to help other mothers grew exponentially.

I knew that by empowering women to love themselves & their lives,

to live authentic, inspiring & impactful lives,

that they could teach their children to do the same.

Maybe in some miraculous way, the little helpless young child that was me, would be healed in the process.

Or at least, some other special little child just like me.


Why I became a life Coach? It is a calling 

So the short answer is that I became a coach because I have always wanted to help people.

I have always wanted to be a teacher and the day that I found out exactly what I could teach,

that could help people to heal and live magnificent and meaningful lives,

is the day I started taking action.

And I have been learning, growing, searching, serving, teaching and coaching ever since.


There is so much more in between but ultimately,

there is a little girl in me who felt helpless to save her mom

and a young woman in me who felt like I could never be a good enough wife & mother,

who now knows that she is enough.

She is empowered & there is nothing that life can throw at her that she can’t handle.


She is loving & wise and empowered and inspired.

She loves her life and is grateful for it all. (At least most of the time.)

And there is nothing in the world more meaningful to her,

other than helping her own family,

than helping other others to feel the same way,

so that they can teach their children to do the same.


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