Ever since I can remember, I have wanted to help people.
Wanted to help people feel better. Feel Joyful. Feel worthy. Feel loved.
A desire to help others led me to life coaching
I also had an insatiable drive to want to learn. Perhaps, I didn’t understand it then, but deep down,
I think it was a way for me to empower myself, so that I could use what I had learnt to help others.
From a very young age, I became my mother’s confidant and support. In my perceptions as a young child, my mother endured a huge amount of suffering and I wished that I could help her somehow. I felt helpless to help her and her pain became my pain.Her suffering, my suffering.
The day that changed it all – the destiny of a life coach
One fateful day, as a young teenage girl, my mother disappeared after my parents had been in an argument.
I found a suicide letter from her not long afterwards & in that moment, my world came crashing down.
I was desperate to find her and help her.
I did, thank goodness! We spent the night together in some dodgy hotel room that night, but I remember staying up the entire night, worrying about how I was going to change the situation.
The thought of losing my mom, along with the feeling of helplessness & hopelessness, was more than I could bear.
The Belief that we are not enough
There were a few moments like that in my lifetime. Moments where I felt like I was not enough.
Not enough to take away the pain of those I loved so dearly and not enough to love myself.
Perhaps, it even started in the first few days & weeks of my life where I almost starved to death…
Our voids drive our values
My mom could not get me to drink as a newborn.
I was bottle-fed but I would only drink a few sips of formula at a time and then go back to sleep.
Eventually, the sister at the clinic asked my mom to bring everything into the clinic to check, as I was losing weight every week. They quickly discovered that the hole in the teat was too small. This meant that I would suck & suck in order to get the milk out and would eventually fall asleep exhausted and probably a little dehydrated.
Of course, they fixed the bottles and I thrived from then on, but I often joke and tell people that that is the reason I love food so much. And maybe it is.
I think even from that very early age though, I formed the belief that:
“I was not enough & that I need to work hard, in order to be loved.”
Life Coaching helps you find the problem behind the problem
It must be said though, that I grew up in a very loving home.
It was not without it’s challenges of course, but my parents loved and cared for my brothers and I deeply.
My mother did the best that she could with what she had. So did my dad.
But for many years of my life, I believed that if she had been more empowered as a mother, I may not have ‘suffered’ as much as a child.
The void of not having an empowered mother (at least in my perceptions at the time)
became the driving force for so much of what I do today.
Soulmates, Relationships & Marriage – Life Coaching
Fast forward 25 years and after marrying my soulmate, my best friend and absolute love of my life,
we were told that we could not have children.
Once again, my whole world came crashing down. All I had ever wanted since I was a young girl was to be a wife and a mother and have a beautiful, happy family.
Once again, I felt like a failure, not as a daughter this time, but as a women and a wife.
Personal & Spiritual Discovery – Inner Transformation
They say that every cloud has a silver lining and my journey with infertility led me on a path of deep soul searching and personal discovery and ended not only with 3 miracle children, but also a deep personal transformation.
However, being a wife, a mother and a businesswoman comes with a new set of challenges.
After being told I would never have children, I was blessed to have 2 boys in 10 months!
As you can imagine, balancing it all was not easy.
I hated myself for not being happy and grateful all the time when all I had wished for was a healthy baby. Now that I had two, I was struggling to cope with it all.
Once again, I felt disempowered. But this time as a mother.
How to be a good enough mother?
My drive to want to be a better mother was huge. So my journey of searching continued.
I read more books, listened to more tapes & webinars & attended countless courses in an effort to be more.
More successful. More healthy. More wealthy. Ultimately, more worthy.
A deep desire to learn and teach
Every time I learnt something new or useful, I had a huge desire to share what I learnt with others.
So that it could help them too.
I had always wanted to be a teacher as a young girl but my father had discouraged me, so I became an entrepreneur instead. But the teacher in me was alive and well and bursting to make a difference somehow.
And then, once again, my world came crashing down.
I had an argument with my dad which split the family up and we did not see each other for 3 years.
Besides my husband and our 2 boys, my family were my whole life and I cried almost every day for 3 years.
A Life changing course – The Breakthrough Experience
Until, one day in June 2007, I attended yet another course. Except this was not just another course.
The impact of this course was so life-changing for me, so profoundly healing and empowering, that I knew then and there, that I wanted to share this work with others.
Even though my husband and I were running a successful printing company at the time,
I knew I had found my calling.
I went on to complete many courses and certifications, all firstly to learn and empower myself and my family, and then to help others do the same.
My relationships with my family healed.
Every area of my life transformed.
Most of all, my relationship with myself had transformed.
Creating an Inner Transformation
As I transformed from within, I learnt to love myself and my life.
I was able to empower my children in ways I could never have imagined.
My mission was to raise a family of heart-led, inspired & empowered children,
who could become the best in the world at whatever they wanted to be and do, if they chose to.
I just wanted them to have the option and to know that anything that their hearts’ desired, was possible.
And our children grew into amazing young adults.
I saw firsthand, the impact on my children from having been raised with all that love & wisdom.
As a result, my desire to help other mothers grew exponentially.
I knew that by empowering women to love themselves & their lives,
to live authentic, inspiring & impactful lives,
that they could teach their children to do the same.
Maybe in some miraculous way, the little helpless young child that was me, would be healed in the process.
Or at least, some other special little child just like me.
Why I became a life Coach? It is a calling
So the short answer is that I became a coach because I have always wanted to help people.
I have always wanted to be a teacher and the day that I found out exactly what I could teach,
that could help people to heal and live magnificent and meaningful lives,
is the day I started taking action.
And I have been learning, growing, searching, serving, teaching and coaching ever since.
There is so much more in between but ultimately,
there is a little girl in me who felt helpless to save her mom
and a young woman in me who felt like I could never be a good enough wife & mother,
who now knows that she is enough.
She is empowered & there is nothing that life can throw at her that she can’t handle.
She is loving & wise and empowered and inspired.
She loves her life and is grateful for it all. (At least most of the time.)
And there is nothing in the world more meaningful to her,
other than helping her own family,
than helping other others to feel the same way,
so that they can teach their children to do the same.
Life Coach and Demartini Method Facilitator Louise Diesel
Following extensive training at the Demartini Institute, I found my inspiration and drive to teach the universal principles to my coaching clients. Emotional charges can be described as gifts wrapped in weird wrapping. The Demartini Method ® unwraps these gifts in order to get closer to our true selves.
Trained Demartini Method Facilitator refers to someone who is trained at The Demartini Method Training Program in The Demartini Method. ®
As a Trained Demartini Method Facilitator, I am trained to facilitate both individual and group sessions with The Demartini Method ®. This helps clients transform their lives and help them overcome challenges.
How to change your values
The key to a great life is not by accident, it’s built on purpose. Teaching clients about human behaviour & universal principles and coaching clients on how to use The Demartini Method to overcome obstacles and empower their life is one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done.
Dr John Demartini & The Breakthrough Experience: Powerful Strategies to Empower Your Life and Inspire You
The key to your true empowerment and fulfilment is about knowing who you are, what your true intrinsic values are and designing a life around these values. Achieving results is secondary to this.
The Demartini Concourse of Wisdom
I have been a student of Dr Demartini’s since 2006 and have done almost all of the courses offered to students of The Concourse of Wisdom. It is has been one of the greatest blessings of my life to be able to learn from such an inspiring polymath and teacher. I am a transformational life coach and Demartini Method Facilitator today because of Dr John Demartini and the impact that attending The Breakthrough Experience had on my life.
What are your highest values?
Your current purpose and mission will reflect your highest values. Get inspired, focused, and driven to start a new chapter of your life and achieve the most important & inspiring goals.
Take Control of Yourself and Be You
Dr Demartini discusses why your outside world and the lives of those around you reflect what is happening in your inner life. The Demartini Method for personal transformation is powerful, efficient, and effective. This method is effective in transforming stress and conflict. It is effective in dissolving guilt and shame, loss, anger, depression, resentment and even grief. It is also one of the most powerful tools in creating more fulfilling relationships and I coach many couples using this tool as it made such a huge difference in my own life.
Business leaders are coached to grow from startups to established businesses, and from solopreneur to CEO, from internship to mastery.
My mission is to inspire and support business leaders , wives, mothers, parents, spiritual seekers and young adults on their personal growth journey to reach higher levels of authenticity, inspiration, success and fulfilment.
If you believe that an event is more beneficial than it is negative, then you call it a positive event.
Asking quality questions can help you to see things differently. You can see both the up and down, so you will always be able to find the good in everything. Instead of seeing life as “in the way”, you see it as “on the way”.
What is the best way to become a Trained Demartini Method facilitator?
You must attend the Demartini Breakthrough Experience and one Demartini Method Training program to become a Demartini Method Facilitator. These programs are held each year in South Africa, Australia, and USA as well as online.
As a Trained Global Demartini Method facilitator, I work with clients online around the world, helping them clear limitations and emotional baggage so that they can get clear about their purpose & life mission and start making their dreams a reality.
How does The Demartini Method ® work?
The DEMARTINI METHOD: is an organized set of predetermined mental questions that are designed to help an individual shift perceptions until they feel present, certain and grateful.
What is the Demartini Method? ®
The Demartini Method: This is a procedure which neutralizes an individual’s emotional charges and balances his/her mental and physical reactions. It also opens the heart and clears the mind. This is a reproducible science that allows individuals to find the order underneath the daily chaos.
Is Dr Demartini a real doctor?
John Demartini, a world-renowned inspirational speaker and educator, is the founder of The Demartini Institute. His 40-book collection has been translated into over 30 languages. He is also featured in The Secret movie and book. He holds a doctorate in chiropractic. 26 Oct 2016.
What does a Trained Demartini facilitator Do?
Demartini Method facilitators are trained to facilitate both individual and group sessions with clients using The Demartini Method. This helps them to overcome their challenges and live more empowered lives.
How do you define values – Demartini
Your conscious and unconscious voids determine your values. In other words, what you see as the most lacking. Your perception of the most lacking (void) is what will determine your value.
How does Demartini Method work?
The DEMARTINI METHOD: An organized set of predetermined mental questions that are designed to help an individual get to a state of certainty, presence, love and gratitude.
How do you determine your values?
There are a series of questions that when answered properly, clearly demonstrate your values. As a caring life coach and trained Demartini facilitator, this is one of my favourite thigs to do with clients as there is a real sense of certainty and clarity of purpose that emerges when you really know and understand your values.
What is the Demartini Method?
Demartini Method: This is a procedure that neutralizes an individual’s emotional charges and balances his/her mental and physical reactions. It also opens the heart and clears the mind. This is a reproducible science that allows individuals to find the order underneath their daily chaos.
Is Dr Demartini a real doctor?
John Demartini, a world-renowned motivational speaker and educator, is the founder of The Demartini Institute. His 40-book collection has been translated into over 30 languages. He is also featured in The Secret movie and book. He holds a doctorate in chiropractic. 26 Oct 2016.
What is the best way to become a Demartini Method facilitator
You must attend the Demartini Breakthrough Experience and one Demartini Method Training program to become a Demartini Method Facilitator. These programs are held each year in South Africa, Australia, and USA.
What does a Demartini facilitator do?
What does a Demartini Method facilitator do? Demartini Method facilitators are trained to facilitate both individual and group sessions with clients using The Demartini Method. This helps them to overcome their challenges and live more empowered.
Is the Demartini Method a good idea?
Demartini Method for personal transformation is powerful, efficient and effective. This method is effective in transforming stress and conflict. The Demartini Method can be found in more than 58 countries around the globe
Life coach for women & trained demartini method Facilitator
If you are grappling with some major issues in your life, then the best way to get over them is to meet a professional who will help you understand and resolve the problems. A career in coaching can be chosen by those with different backgrounds and experiences. There is no prerequisite qualification for this profession; however, there are certain skills that need to be developed for one to become an expert Life Coach Johannesburg. Other than being a good listener, personal qualities like resilience, empathy and patience must be developed.
Life coaching is not just about talking to clients; it is more about listening to them with an open mind. One should have the ability to know what questions to ask in order to get the appropriate insights from the client.
This will allow you along with your life coach Johannesburg to explore alternative ways of dealing with issues that are bothering them. The goal of the process is ultimately for one person involved (the client) to live a better life after they resolve their problems through this coaching program.
Life Coaching Johannesburg
The term life coaching is relatively new, even though the concept is very old. It first emerged in America and goes back to the seventeenth century. That was at that time ‘the gentleman’s art’.
This is because your coach can be seen as an impartial third party who helps you become more aware of yourself and your own actions. He or she helps you be more successful in your own way. Life coaches can also help you clarify your values and goals in life.
Life Coach Johannesburg
More and more people are experiencing the positive effect of life coaching. A life coach helps you in your personal and professional development. It is not only motivating. It also provides important insights that give you a better grip on who you are, what you want and how to get there.
But when do you go to a coach? What exactly does coaching entail, what is the rate of a life coach and what are the main differences with, for example, a psychologist?
Life Coach Johannesburg
I have been a life coach in Johannesburg for many years and I continually am doing training with the top mentors in the world.
If a person is going through a difficult period or wants to reach a goal, but can’t find the way themselves, then they need life coaching. Situations where it makes sense to contact a coach are:
-When you lack clarity about your personal values and what you want.
-You have too much stress and work overload which you leaves you feeling overwhelmed, unhappy, demotivated or burned out. You do not know how to deal with this situation yourself and want professional support from someone who understands what you’re going through.
-When ypurself &/or others no longer understand you. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are not aligned.
Life coaching is not a substitute for a therapist, a psychologist or a psychiatrist. But it can increase the positive effects of professional help because sometimes you need someone who encourages you to take that next step. If this is just one step too far, you will not get there.
During the coaching session, the coach listens and gives you clarity on what needs to happen next. That is when she helps in the transformation and in setting goals for yourself.
Personal Life Coach Johannesburg
Life Coaching – when to use a life coach?
Coaching is one of the most effective tools or “processes” that I have personally experienced in helping me become a more purposeful person. I’ve had many life coaches and mentors over the years in my personal development journey.
As compared to other forms of therapy which require elongated sessions over months or years, life coaching can be a shorter term programme of around 6-18 sessions
Professional Life Coaches in Johannesburg offer advice and guidance on various topics such as personal development, interpersonal relationships, career management etc., Coaching helps people find ways of achieving goals that they may have believed were not possible. The coaches do not give advice or tell their clients what they should do; instead they ask quality questions that guide cleints to find their own quality answrs and innate wisdom.
An experienced life coach makes something like a road map: how can we go from point A (where you are now) to point B (where you want to be)? And what are the detours or blocks along the way?
This road map can be more or less specific-for instance, you don’t have to know every single step in advance. It’s enough to say that this is what I want and here are the first few steps that lead me closer to my goal.
A good life coach is someone who asks the right questions, guides you in your own learning process, and helps you find your own answers.
The whole journey lasts as long as necessary-but usually it doesn’t take more than a few months. You can go faster or slower depending on your own needs and desires.
So if something is not clear for you, you can ask any question. In most cases, a life coach will be an external figure who challenges you and encourages you. He does this by asking constructive questions and may also use very different coaching techniques depending on the specific life coach.
Sometimes it may seem that a psychologist is the only option when you’re walking around with a complaint or problem. But that’s not the case. A life coach is a lot more accessible than a psychologist because you don’t have to go to your doctor for a referral and you don’t end up on a waiting list.
A session with a personal life coach has the same depth as a conversation with the psychologist but the approach is more practical. More activating. You do not get ‘stuck’ in a complaint or problem. You do not stay stuck in the past. You will be given tools with which you can move forward. Because we combine coaching and therapy, you can go one step further. You get deeper insights into who you are, what you want and how you can achieve your goals.
Life Coaches
Life coaches are professionals who help you to change your life for the better. They have a lot of experience and often also have training in psychology, coaching or leadership. A good idea is that you first ask for references from previous clients or colleagues before you choose a life coach.
It is critical that you find the right life coach for you. The best life coach is the one that you feel comfortable with, one that understands you, one you feel you would be able to open up to and connect with. The best life coaches are NOT the coaches with most qualifications. They are the ones who feel, who are experienced, who have overcome their own challenges, who care more about helping you than getting it wrong or looking good. The best life coach for you is the one that FEELS right to you. Don’t overthink it. “Get in Your head and you are dead.”
Personal coaching is ideal for people who want to make more of their lives and put more energy into what they really want. A life coach does not tell you how to live your life, but asks a lot of questions so that others can develop new insights. A good transformation life coach helps you to transform from the inside out and when you do, you start to see the impact on your external world.
The journey of self-discovery that a life coach will take you on, through insightful questions and listening closely to your answers , s the best method to identify how best to proceed with your particular problem.
Life coaches can help you to
– reduce stress;
– create a life that is inspiring and fulfilling;
– learn new ways to overcome with problems or challenges;
– clarifying goals and implementing them;
– manifesting and creating your dream life;
– discover new perspectives and possibilities where you may not hve seen any
Furthermore, the life coaching session will help you to do something with all your different talents or interests (values). They can help you become more confident and inspire you if necessary.
As an entrepreneur, coach yourself first! Read books, ask for help, invest in short coaching sessions with someone you trust.
A good life coach is efficient, knows what you want and can give you things quickly. If it takes too long before results are visible there may be a problem!
Your life coach should not replace the important people in your life or your family doctor.
Personal Life Coach In Johannesburg Gauteng
In the coaching relationship, the coach is more of a mentor and/or facilitator. The client has greater responsibility for owning his or her own goal(s) and developing him or herself. The coach supports the process but also challenges it to move it forward.
A life coach can help either as an advisor in terms of business situations, interpersonal relationships and everyday encounters with others, or they can take on a more active role with specific goals that you want to accomplish such as losing weight, finding a job, breaking bad habits.
A coach can provide you with technical knowledge and give suggestions about how to solve problems or make the right choices. The coach may also help you become more aware of your own behaviour by asking you questions about what influences it.
There are two approaches to coaching: directive/behavioural and non-directive/non-behavioural. In a directive relationship, the coach will influence or direct other’s behaviour by asking for specific examples from their experience that demonstrate certain behaviours, thoughts or emotions etc.; providing advice, feedback & suggestions; offering direction on how others should think or act in various situations; the goal being to modify the client’s behaviour so they feel and perform better in their environment.
The big difference between a life coach and a psychologist.
In terms of content, the approach of a professional life coach is better suited to you as a unique individual because no standard treatment or protocol is followed. This creates a very different dynamic. In this safe, accessible setting you can make quick steps because it becomes easier to open up. You experience a sense of presence, space, attention and understanding. And that is a relief at a time when you just can’t work it out yourself.
A personal coach offers structure & helps you to handles the change process and set it in motion in a very accessible and active way.
In sessions with a life coach, you may, again and again, allow yourself to start from scratch if necessary. There is no standard treatment, protocol or prescribed course of action that takes precedence.
A good life coach has a lot of experience, a love for helping people and is very curious. In coaching, there’s room for questions, challenges, complaints, wishes and desires.
You can accomplish your goals if you want them enough. You just need the right plan, the right person and the dedication to carry it out. Life Coaching can help you to reduce stress, achieve a work-life balance, develop better relationships, improve health and wellness, build a better business or career, improve motivation and establish clear, authentic, inspiring & achievable goals.
When and for what do you go to a life coach?
There are many reasons to think about life coaching. Perhaps you suffer from insecurity and want to overcome that insecurity. Maybe you keep running into the same themes in your relationships or at work. Maybe there are problems in your family or it is something in yourself that bothers you. And of which, you do not yet know what to do. Maybe there is not so much going on, but you are just curious what a life coach can do for you.
There does not always have to be a complaint or problem to go to a life coach. In practice, many life coaches work with people in their twenties & thirties, who see it as an investment in their personal development. The coaching is then mainly a means of self-empowerment for young adults & a way of reflecting and growing under expert guidance and mentorship.
What does personal life coaching cost?
The costs for a personal life coach vary. Life Coaches in Johannesburg charge anything from R1000 – R10 000 per hour. Global Online Life Coaches often charge between $250 and $1000 per hour and the average coaching package is about $6000 depending on the actual life coach. The key is to find the right life coach for you. And then to ask yourself: “What am I worth? What investment would I be willing to make in myself in order to live an inspiring and fulfilling life?”
What is your health, wealth, fulfilling relationships, family, success and joy worth to you?
What does personal coaching give you?
In the sessions with a life coach, where you talk but also potentially, carry out practical assignments, you increase your self-awareness: the knowledge about yourself and the insight into yourself. Because you discover what you want and what makes your heart beat faster, you feel the enthusiasm, energy and meaning in your life. You rediscover your most important values and come closer to yourself. You learn to live from your core, from your heart where you can trust your intuition.
Because in most life coaching sessions, there is a lot of attention for both the inner and the outer world, you can really take action. You get a personal plan of action to make steps. This not only increases your self-confidence, it actually creates a change in your life.
Why would you choose a business or personal life coach?
Coaching accelerates your process. Moreover, it gives you the assurance of a profound and future-proof result. There is no unnecessary digging into your past but there is a focus on what you still have to deal with. Past events often settle: these are the blocks and obstacles you feel in your thoughts and in your body. Therefore, it is usually necessary to dig a little deeper.
Addressing old issues creates space within yourself. This allows you to grow as a person, achieve new goals and discover where your fulfillment lies. When you have finally processed old stories and experiences, you clear the way for progress. The effect of coaching and therapy is a sense of freedom and strength. You develop your inner compass and regain control of your life.
Why choose me as your life coach?
My expertise lies in coaching women between the ages of 20 – 40. I help them in the journey of processing, healing and personal growth.
My goal is to empower people who feel stuck in their lives with a variety of issues such as low self-esteem, lack of direction, coping with pain and loss, relationships and intimacy challenges which they want to sort out.
We will work together to help you overcome current challenges or work through something that is holding you back. As your coach, I will provide the necessary tools and practical exercises for you to follow through on, at home.
I am a trained Demartini facilitator.
Relationship Therapy
I am very active in the field of relationships, marriage and divorce. I have seen positive results in troubled marriages to help couples communicate better with each other and to restore their relationship. We will work together to identify what needs to be healed in the relationship.
I also help people who are about to go through a divorce.
Using different techniques I can help you process your emotions so you can move on with your life and have more peace within yourself, instead of feeling stuck or unhappy.
Self-esteem issues
Many people are feeling depressed or struggling with their self-esteem. They have negative thoughts about themselves and feel that nothing they do is good enough. I can help you understand why these beliefs came about.
We will work together to challenge the old beliefs and rebuild your confidence and self-worth so you can achieve great things in life.
I can also help you to live a values-driven life. You will develop mindfulness skills to become more self-aware, gain valuable insight into your past experiences and take action towards living your life with purpose.
Life coaching can empower you to take control of your own destiny so when things are difficult you have the tools to turn things around.
Coaching Fees are as varied as each unique life coach.
is a therapy that helps you understand your thoughts, emotions and beliefs so you can break the cycle of negative thinking. You will learn how to take control when negative thought patterns seem automatic by using mindfulness tools when this happens.
Once the problem has been resolved, we will identify new goals and work towards creating change in your life.
Life Coaching is all about helping you take control of your own destiny, so we’ll work together and focus on what needs to be done now rather than worrying about events that may never happen.
I use the latest techniques in coaching, mindfulness, meditation & neuroscience. This allows you to quickly get a grip on your feelings, your triggers and your patterns and to achieve step by step improvement. On your way to more self-confidence and a strong self-image.
Clients experience my guidance as down-to-earth and very helpful. Both in creating changes on an inner level and in the outside world. People quickly feel at ease with me. You will notice that after the session you feel ‘lighter’ and have practical tools to continue.
Online coaching & therapy: the benefits
Recent scientific research has shown that online coaching & therapy, where you talk to a coach, counsellor or psychologist from home with your laptop or mobile phone via an online video tool, is just as effective as traditional counselling where you sit together in the same room. The main benefits of personal online counselling from home are: comfirt & safety of your own home, convenience and most of all, access to the best life coaches in the world.
Expert counselling from your familiar surroundings
Talking via the screen feels comfortable
Faster to the point
More flexible in making an appointment
Saving in travel time and costs
Access to The Top Life Coaches in the world
How much do life coaches charge in South Africa?
There is a huge difference in the range of prices. Make sure to do your homework and find a life coach that is right for you. If you are going to invest time and energy into empowering or transforming your life with life coaching, please don’t got for the cheapest one. Rather find a life coach who has overcome similar challenges in their own life, someone who genuinely cares and loves people and is not just trying to sell you coaching, even if you are not the perfect fit. Coaching is intimate & sacred. Choose wisely.
You deserve to live an extraordinary life! Find someone who will work with you to help you get the outcomes that you are looking for.
Is there a demand for life coaches in South Africa?
Louise Diesel, a life coach from Johannesburg, says that there is a huge demand for life coaches in South Africa. “I have been working as a life coach since 2007 and the industry has grown tremendously over the last five years,” she says.
“Coaching is a powerful way to facilitate change and it is particularly useful for South Africans because we live in a very anxious & result-driven society,” says Diesel. “People who feel stuck or overwhelmed by unresolved issues often find that working with a coach helps them get more centered, feel less stressed and more joyful and from a more balanced state, achieve results more quickly.”
Diesel says that she has seen an increase in demand from CEOs, entrepreneurs, lawyers and business leaders over the past few months as they need unbiased support to help them make difficult decisions and lead their teams well. She also works with countless wives and mothers, helping them to manage their emotions, be more present and grateful, create more meaningful and balanced lives so that they can inspire their children to do the same.
“Life coaching is a highly creative process, which means that clients get a lot of exposure to new ideas & perspectives,” she says. “People often arrive at coaching feeling drained and dissatisfied with their lives but when they work with an experienced coach who believes in them, they start seeing results quickly.”
Is paying for a life coach worth it?
Yes! says the International Coach Federation. It’s one of its fastest-growing sub-sectors, with more than 1 000 coaches in South Africa alone. People would not be investing in life coaches if life coaching did not work.
“If you feel that you aren’t living a meaningful & fulfilling life, or you are not reaching your potential, this could be a sign that you might need to get some life coaching or mentorship.”
The question is: “Do you love yourself enough to do the deep, inner work?”